Navigating Divine Flows: Connecting to the Soul World May 29, 2024


Navigating Divine Flows: Connecting to the Soul World

Navigating Divine Flows: Connecting to the Soul World

In the realm of spiritual exploration and seeking guidance from the divine, the concept of connecting to the soul world and receiving messages from higher sources holds profound significance. It is a practice that requires clarity, discernment, and a deep understanding of the...

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Unlocking the Direct Knowing Channel: Wisdom and Practices for life Mar 14, 2024


Unlocking the Power of the Direct Knowing Channel: Wisdom and Practices for Spiritual Growth

Unlocking the Power of the Direct Knowing Channel: Wisdom and Practices for Spiritual Growth


In our spiritual journey, we often seek guidance and clarity to navigate life's challenges. One powerful tool at our disposal is the Direct Knowing Channel, a communication pathway that...

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Unlocking the Wisdom of the Third Eye Channel Mar 09, 2024


Unlocking the Wisdom of the Third Eye Channel

Unlocking the Wisdom of the Third Eye Channel


The pursuit of spiritual growth and self-discovery has always fascinated humanity. We are constantly seeking answers to life's profound questions, yearning to tap into our inner wisdom and connect with higher realms of consciousness. In this quest, the concept of the Third Eye has...

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The Importance of Developing Spiritual Channels Feb 23, 2024


The Importance of Developing Spiritual Channels 


In this blog post, we explore the importance of opening and developing spiritual channels to enhance our connection with the divine. By aligning our spiritual body with the Source Creator, we can experience profound transformations in our perception, problem-solving abilities, and overall well-being.


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Cultivating a Strong Foundation for highly developing your spiritual channels Feb 23, 2024



Cultivating a Strong Foundation for highly developing your spiritual channels


In the enlightening podcast series, "The Healing Source," an exploration into the nature, power, and significance of spiritual channels unfolds. This profound wisdom shares insights into Tao healing, a non-religious practice centered around connecting with the source. By focusing on the...

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The Shen Channel - Sacred Wisdom on the Spiritual Channel for Immortality Feb 16, 2024


The Shen Channel: The Soul Channel for the Spiritual Body

The Shen Channel: The Soul Channel for the Spiritual Body


Welcome to The Healing Source podcast. In this final episode of our series on the chakras, we will explore the Shen channel, a lesser-known pathway of spiritual energy. The Shen channel holds great wisdom and potential for spiritual growth and healing. Join us...

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The Jing Channel: Exploring the Wisdom and Practices of Rejuvenation Feb 08, 2024


The Wisdom and Practices of Rejuvenation: Exploring the Jing Channel

The Jing Channel: Exploring the Wisdom and Practices of Rejuvenation


Welcome to The Healing Source: Exploring the Wisdom and Practices of Rejuvenation. In this blog post, we will continue our journey through the seven chakras and delve into the lesser-known Jing channel. Understanding the significance of...

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"The Power of Gratitude in Transforming Our Lives" Oct 12, 2023


The Power of Gratitude in Transforming Our Lives

The Power of Gratitude in Transforming Our Lives


Welcome to The Healing Source, where we explore the transformative qualities that can create extraordinary changes in our lives. In this eighth week of the 10 Days of the 10 Da Qualities, we delve into the power of gratitude. These qualities, known as the 10 Da, were received...

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Awakening the Inner Light: Harnessing the Power of Da Guang Ming for Transformation and Manifestation Sep 14, 2023

In this episode of The Healing Source, we delve into the fourth quality in the series of ten profound attributes. Da Guang Ming, known as the greatest light, takes center stage as we explore its transformative power. Throughout the series, we have been uncovering the essence of these qualities, starting with Da Ai, the greatest love, followed by Da Kuan Shu, the greatest forgiveness, and Da Ci...

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How our definitions of life determined our manifestations & success Jul 06, 2023

How Our Definitions of Life Determine Our Manifestations & Success


Welcome to "The Healing Source" podcast. In this episode, we will explore the crucial connection between our definitions of life and how they profoundly influence our manifestations and success. Understanding the impact of our perceptions is essential for creating a life of abundance and fulfillment.


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The Tao of the creation & manifestation of wealth and success Jun 08, 2023

The Tao of Living a Life of Successful Manifestation Practices


Welcome back to The Healing Source podcast, a transformative journey into the teachings of the Tao for creating a life of abundance and success. In this session, we delve deeper into the nature of creation and reverse creation, gaining profound insights into how this understanding can enhance our manifestation abilities...

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The Root cause of Financial, Business or Success problems May 18, 2023

The Root Cause of Financial Business or Success Problems


Welcome to "The Healing Source" podcast and livestream! I'm Paul Fletcher, and today we're beginning a new season focused on success and finances. Over the next few weeks, we'll explore various aspects of manifestation and abundance to help you achieve financial success. In this episode, we'll delve into the root cause of...

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