Expanding your Divine Flow to include Saints, Animals nature and more Jun 12, 2024


Embracing the Wisdom of Divine Flow: Connecting with Saints, Animals, Nature, and More

Embracing the Wisdom of Divine Flow: Connecting with Saints, Animals, Nature, and More

In a world where communication often feels limited to human interaction, the concept of Divine Flow offers a profound perspective on expanding our channels of connection to include beings beyond ourselves. The...

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The Importance of Developing Spiritual Channels Feb 23, 2024


The Importance of Developing Spiritual Channels 


In this blog post, we explore the importance of opening and developing spiritual channels to enhance our connection with the divine. By aligning our spiritual body with the Source Creator, we can experience profound transformations in our perception, problem-solving abilities, and overall well-being.


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Cultivating a Strong Foundation for highly developing your spiritual channels Feb 23, 2024



Cultivating a Strong Foundation for highly developing your spiritual channels


In the enlightening podcast series, "The Healing Source," an exploration into the nature, power, and significance of spiritual channels unfolds. This profound wisdom shares insights into Tao healing, a non-religious practice centered around connecting with the source. By focusing on the...

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The Power of the Throat Chakra: for Healing and Transformation Jan 04, 2024


The Power of the Throat Chakra: Unlocking Your Voice for Healing and Transformation

The Power of the Throat Chakra: for Healing and Transformation


Welcome to another episode of The Healing Source with Paul Fletcher. In this series on understanding the chakras, we explore the nature, power, and significance of these energetic centers for your health and wellness. Today, we...

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Embodying Da Chang Sheng: The Greatest Flourishing Through the Ten Greatest Qualities Oct 05, 2023


The Importance of Embodying the Ten Greatest Qualities

The Importance of Embodying the Ten Greatest Qualities

In this blog post, we will explore the significance of embodying the ten greatest qualities in our lives. Derived from the teachings of Doctor and Master Zhi Gang Sha and the Tao teachings, these qualities have the power to transform lives and bring about positive change on a...

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The Power of Self-Forgiveness, Offering Forgiveness, and Asking Forgiveness: A Journey to Healing Aug 31, 2023

The Power of Self-Forgiveness, Offering Forgiveness, and Asking Forgiveness: A Journey to Healing

Welcome to The Healing Source with Paul Fletcher, where we embark on a ten-part series exploring the Ten Da - the ten greatest qualities that make us human. In this episode, we delve into Da Kuan Shu, the greatest forgiveness. Through the teachings of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, we discover the...

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Understanding the Root Cause of Mental Imbalances: A Tao Healing Perspective Feb 08, 2023

Understanding the Root Cause of Mental Imbalances: A Tao Healing Perspective

Welcome to "The Healing Source" podcast! I’m Paul Fletcher, your host, and in this episode, we'll explore the root cause of mental imbalances from the perspective of Tao Healing. Join me on this journey of self-awareness and healing for a healthier mind.

Season Three: Nurturing the Mental Body

In this new season...

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Embracing the Wisdom of Tao Healing: A Journey to Healing Grief and Sadness Jan 06, 2023

Embracing the Wisdom of Tao Healing: A Journey to Healing Grief and Sadness


Welcome to The Healing Source, Season Two, Episode Six! In this episode, we delve into the profound art of Tao healing and its transformative impact on healing grief and sadness. Join us as we explore the interconnectedness of emotions, physical health, and soul healing, guided by the wisdom of renowned Tao...

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